
American Studies


American Studies

  • ۰
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Use of sanction in U.S foreign policy: The case of UN resolution 2231 on Iran


1)      Economic sanctions reconsidered; History and current policy


2)       Designing foreign policy: Voters, special interest groups, and economic sanctions

3)      Economic sanctions and the U.S foreign policy


4)      Trade Sanctions As Policy Instruments: A Re-Examination


5)      Sanctions as a Foreign Policy Tool: Weighing Humanitarian Impulses


6) The Iranian quagmire: How to move forward

7)Trade sanctions in international environmental policy: Deterring or encouraging free riding?


8)      Economic sanctions as a instrument in The U.S foreign policy



9) The effect of foreign direct investment on the use and success of US sanctions 

10)Why sanctions against Iran are counterproductive: Conflict resolution and state–society relations

  • ۹۴/۰۷/۱۷
  • Mehdi Rahbar

The U.S foreign policy

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